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SDGs and Atea | ESG Data | Certifications |Sustainability Reporting |
Memberships and Alliances | Ratings and Rankings | Policies and Other Documents

Atea’s Vision 2030

Atea’s mission is to build the future with IT. We believe that information technology, combined with knowledge and creativity, can improve living standards across society and help to achieve a more sustainable future. As one of Europe’s largest resellers of IT infrastructure, Atea is uniquely positioned to facilitate and accelerate a journey towards sustainable IT.

This is our goal with the Vision 2030 – to be a step ahead and drive positive change in our industry.

Our Vision 2030

Sustainable Development Goals and Atea

Agenda 2030 was established by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action for global development. The agenda consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 underlying targets to be achieved by the end of this decade. It has been adopted by all UN member states.

Atea supports all 17 SDGs and focuses particularly on six goals: gender equality (Goal 5), decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (Goal 9), responsible consumption and production (Goal 12), climate action (Goal 13), and peace, justice, and strong institutions (Goal 16).

Sustainable development goals

Sustainability reporting

In March 2024, we published our first Integrated Financial and Sustainability Report. This report provides a holistic view of our company’s performance, encompassing both financial results and sustainability initiatives. For more detailed information on carbon accounting, please refer to our Carbon Footprint Accounting document.

Annual Report 2023
Carbon Footprint Accounting 2023


Image with slides from presetnation


Having robust and externally verified management systems in place is a core component of effective operations, and a critical part of the foundation for our sustainability work. Below you will find our various certifications in line with best practices and business standards in the IT industry.

ESG data section






GHG Emissions Scope 1 tCO2e 3,401 3,830 4,152
GHG Emissions Scope 2 - market-based tCO2e 2,797 2,011 959
GHG Emissions Scope 2 - location-based tCO2e 2,016 2,403 2,146
GHG Emissions Scope 3 tCO2e 1,890,927 1,751,081 1,200,077
GHG Emissions Category 1 - Purchased goods and services tCO2e 1,064,941 1,057,006 899,741
GHG Emissions Category 2 - Capital goods tCO2e 4,478 3,675 4,059
GHG Emissions Category 3 - Fuel- and energy-related activities tCO2e 1,912 1,627 2,052
GHG Emissions Category 4 - Upstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 9,125 9,131 10,110
GHG Emissions Category 5 - Waste generated in operations tCO2e 243 292 422
GHG Emissions Category 6 - Business travel tCO2e 1,881 3,749 4,295
GHG Emissions Category 7 - Employee commuting tCO2e 1,724 1,552 1,800
GHG Emissions Category 9 - Downstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 802 652 586
GHG Emissions Category 11 - Use of sold products tCO2e 798,151 666,782 272,480
GHG Emissions Category 12 - End-of-life treatment of sold products tCO2e 7,669 6,577 4,495
GHG Emissions Category 13 - Downstream leased assets tCO2e - 38 37
GHG Emissions Upstream activities tCO2e 1,084,304 1,077,033 922,480
GHG Emissions Downstream activities tCO2e 806,623 674,048 277,597
Energy Usage Electricity consumption MWh 26,808 30,008 31,135
Energy Usage Share of renewable electricity % 78% 87% 89% 
Energy Usage Energy consumption MWh 48,904 53,566 55,425
Energy Usage Share of renewable energy % 51% 58% 62% 
Energy Usage Energy consumption in data centers MWh 11,842
Energy Usage Share of renewable energy in data centers % 87% 81% 100%
Water Usage Water consumption m3 6,932 8,984 11,275
Waste Generated Hazardous waste kg 9,244 2,293 79,162
Waste Generated Non-hazardous waste kg 1,724,838 1,711,426 1,753,857
Gas Pollutants VOC emissions Tonnes 1.02 1.38 1.85
Gas Pollutants NOx emissions Tonnes 11.8 13.23 13.72
Gas Pollutants SOx emissions Tonnes 0.02 0.02 0.02
Gas Pollutants PM emissions Tonnes 0.15 0.17 0.17






Employee Employees at year end 7,764 8,258 8,389
Employee Employee turnover 16.7% 16.5% 15.5%
Employees by age group < 30 1,344 1,419 1,465
Employees by age group 30-50 4,307 4,467 4,484
Employees by age group > 50 2,113 2,372 2,440
Gender Diversity Employees, male 75% 74% 74%
Gender Diversity Employees, female 25% 26% 26%
Gender Diversity New hires, male 71% 72% 72%
Gender Diversity New hires, female 29% 28% 28%






Board Diversity Percentage of board seats occupied by women (as compared to total) 38% (3 of 8) 38% (3 of 8) 44% (4 of 9)
Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct in place Yes Yes Yes
Ethics & Anti-Corruption Ethics and/or Anti-Corruption covered by Code of Conduct Yes Yes Yes
Ethics & Anti-Corruption Completion rate of training in support of the Code of Conduct 100% 96% 99%
Data Privacy Data Privacy policy in place YES Yes Yes
Data Privacy Compliant with GDPR rules Yes Yes Yes
Disclosure Practices Reports on specific UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Yes Yes Yes
Environmental Operations Climate Policy in place Yes Yes Yes
Environmental Operations Climate target approved by Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) Yes Yes Yes
External Assurance Carbon emissions accounting assured by a third party Yes Yes Yes
External Assurance Sustainability disclosures assured by a third party Yes Yes Yes

Atea’s memberships and alliances

United Nations Global Compact logo

TCO logo

Terra Carta Logo

RBA logo

Science Based Targets logo

NMC logo

Responsible Minerals Initiative logo

Oda logo

Responsible Labor Initiative logo

CSR Latvia logo

Our sustainability ratings and rankings

Eco vadis 2024 logo


Atea received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis for the fifth consecutive year, placing us in the top 1% of over 130 000 assessed companies. The rating evaluates the areas of Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

2024 - Platinum
2023 – Platinum
2022 – Platinum
2021 – Platinum

See Ecovadis certificate

Global 100 logo

Global 100

In 2024, Atea earned the 41st position in the annual Global 100 Index, a new best for the company. Atea was also recognized as the most sustainable company globally within the IT Services Industry for the third consecutive year.

2024 – 41st
2023 – 49th
2022 – 51st

CDP 2023 logo


Atea received a A rating from CDP in 2023, the fifth consecutive year-over-year improvement. CDP conducts an in-depth assessment of our climate policies, actions, and metrics.

2023 – A
2022 – A-
2021 – B




FT Leader in Diversity 2024 logo

Atea has achieved a notable milestone by securing a position among the top 50 IT companies in the esteemed Financial Times and Statista's Europe's Diversity Leaders 2024 ranking. This marks the first inclusion for Atea in this prestigious list of the 850 most inclusive companies in Europe. It reflects our ongoing commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the corporate landscape, reinforcing Atea's dedication to progressive workplace practices.


Climate leaders 2024 logo

Atea was recognized by The Financial Times and data powerhouse Statista for its significant efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with their operations, ranking among the top 600 European companies. Atea had previously received this recognition in 2021 and 2023 as well.


In 2024, Time and Statista ranked Atea among the top 500 most sustainable companies worldwide. The selected companies are distinguished by their high standards in operational emissions, energy consumption efficiency, and prioritization of renewable energy use.


ESG logo

Atea has maintained “Prime” status with ISS since 2018. This rating is awarded to companies with an ESG performance above the sector-specific Prime threshold. That means fulfilling ambitious performance requirements. More than 6800 companies are assessed by ISS on ESG metrics.


MSCI ESG ratings logo

Atea received an A rating from MSCI in 2023. MSCI rates companies on a “AAA” to “CCC” scale based on their exposure to industry specific ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers.¹ 


Sustainalytics logo

In March 2024, Atea received an ESG Risk Rating of 18.5 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at Low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.²

Environmental Partner Leader 2022 logo

Canalys Environmental Partner Leaders are partners who have not only developed a strategy but also demonstrated a commitment to making positive contributions to their industry, people, community, and environment. This badge acknowledges and honors those partners who are at the forefront of leading the industry in these aspects.

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner logo

Atea has been recognized as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency partner, signifying our efforts in transparency on ESG issues.


In 2022, Atea ASA was included in this newly launched Index, which means we are one of 40 companies listed on Oslo Børs that demonstrates the best Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. The index is updated continuously and Atea has remained as one of the included companies.

CDP 2022

Atea was recognized by CDP as a Supplier Engagement Leader for our efforts in 2022 to engage with suppliers in tackling climate change.


Our activities and services

Goitloop logo


Reuse and recycling of your old IT equipment. Goitloop offers simple, sustainable, secure and economically advantageous life cycle management for your IT equipment.

Leadership for change logo on water running

Leadership for change

A partnership of Nordic IT-buying organizations determined to create a market for more sustainable IT solutions and provide best practices.

ASF logo on forest background

Atea sustainability focus

Leveraging the power of the Nordic market to promote more sustainable IT and accelerate sustainable transformation of the global IT sector.

100% club logo on forrest background

100% club

The 100%-club is an Atea initiative where we challenge and support organizations to take the responsibility they have as buyers of IT equipment, which is to become 100% circular.

¹ Copyright ©2022 MSCI.
The use by Atea of any MSCI ESG research LLC or its affiliates ("MSCI") data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks og index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation or promotion of [entity] by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided "as-is" and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks og MSCI.

² Copyright ©2022 Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company.
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