Office translation
§ 1
The company’s name is Atea ASA. The company is a Joint Stock Public company.
§ 2
The objective of the company is the sale of IT services, equipment, systems and related products, hereunder to participate in other companies having financial purposes.
§ 3
The company is headquartered in Oslo.
§ 4
The company’s share capital is NOK 112 384 093 divided into 112 384 093 shares of NOK 1, - each, fully paid up and registered.
The company’s shares shall be registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities. All transactions of shares shall be reported to the Norwegian Registry of Securities within one month.
§ 5
The company’s Board of Directors shall have from 4 to 6 shareholder-elected Board members as decided by the General Meeting, and 7 to 9 Board members including Employee representatives. Shareholder-elected Board members are elected on even-numbered years for a term of two years. If a new Shareholder-elected Board member is appointed in the middle of a term as a replacement for a departing Board member or to expand the number of Board members, the term of the new Shareholder-elected Board member shall be the remainder of the regular term for the other Shareholder-elected Board members. Two of the Board members can jointly sign for the company.
§ 6
The ordinary General Meeting shall consider and decide:
- adoption of profit and loss account and balance sheet
- use of surplus or coverage of deficit in accordance with the laid down balance, together with distribution of dividend
- election of the company’s Board of Directors
- other issues that in accordance to the law falls within the General Meeting’s area of responsibility
§ 7
The Nomination committee shall consist of the chairman and two members elected by the General Meeting. Members appointed by the General Meeting are elected in odd-numbered years for a term of two years. If a new Nomination committee member is appointed in the middle of a term as a replacement for a departing Nomination committee member or to expand the number of Nomination committee members, the term of the new Nomination Committee member shall be the remainder of the regular term for the other Nomination committee members.
§ 8
Documents relating to issues that shall be dealt with by the General Meeting may be made available to the shareholders on the company’s website.
§ 9
The right to participate and to vote at the General Assembly may only be exercised by the shareholder five weekdays prior to the general assembly (the registration day).
§ 10
Shareholders who want to participate in the General Meeting, personally or by proxy, shall give notice to the company in advance. Notification must be received by the company no later than two working days prior to the General Meeting, unless the Board, before the notice is sent, resolves a later deadline for the notification.
§ 11
Shareholders may cast their votes in writing or electronically no later than 2 days prior to the General Assembly. The Board of Directors sets forth the details on how the casting of the votes shall be carried out in the summons for the General Assembly.
§ 12
It is moreover referred to the at any time existing company legislation.
(Last changed April 27th 2023).